
Germany is the world’s leading nation in Mechanical Engineering. Mechanical engineering is a key industry and the „engine“ of the German economy which ensures innovation and technological leadership. In the worldwide mechanical engineering market, Germany represents the largest percentage with about 20 % (more than USA or Japan). Due to the high exports accounting, all large German companies in production engineering have a strong international orientation and are constantly seeking international oriented engineers and managers with technical knowledge and competences in economics and foreign languages. Therefore, Germany is an ideal country for Mechanical Engineering students from all over the world who plan to study one or two semesters abroad.

Whether you are planning on coming to Nuremberg/Erlangen as part of an international exchange programme or whether you are considering studying your entire degree here, the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg has plenty to offer. On this page you will find practical information for exchange students concerning the lectures in English language which are especially suitable for exchange students.

Since its foundation in 1743, the traditional university has been open to new developments and adapted to innovation. Research in numerous rankings place the university among the top 10 universities in Germany, in some fields of engineering the university has been given the attribute of excellence. Both Erlangen, the short-way-city with 100,000 inhabitants (1/4 of which are students), and Nuremberg, a city with a population of 1/2 million and both metropolitan and medieval flair, have their own special charm. The University’s motto “advance through networks” is reflected by an almost unique offer of interdisciplinary and international degree programmes at the interface between Natural Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, in close collaboration with the classical academic disciplines. Students receive a high level of academic training in a state-of-the-art research environment. Our graduates can look forward to optimal professional and career prospects. International students can count on multiple support services providing extensive advice.

The study program „International Production Engineering and Management“ is ideal for foreign students to study one or more semesters (winter or summer term is equally suitable) abroad in Germany at one of the largest universities in Bavaria. Beside our basic modules in German language like mathematics, we offer various engineering and management lectures in English language, which are especially suitable for exchange students and which could be accompanied by our special German language courses for exchange students. You can also work on your final thesis at our university.

For the application as an exchange student, a German language certificate is generally not necessary if you have good English language skills (English level of at least B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference (GER) required) and want to choose English modules.

If you like taking your entire degree here, you need a German language certificate for some degree programmes.

For studying as an exchange student at the University Erlangen-Nuremberg, you have to apply at the Central Office for International Affairs of our university.

Information for international applicants

Everything you need to know about coming to FAU

Lecture periods (please refer also here; the exams take place after the lecture period (examination periods at the Faculty of Engineering can be found here).

Term Lecture periods
Winter semester 2024/25 14 October 2024 – 07 February 2025
Summer semester 2025 22/23 April 2025 – 25 July 2025
Winter semester 2025/26 13 Oktober 2025 – 6 February 2026

For information on times and places, please search the lectures within Campo.
(Choose „search for courses“, choose the appropriate semester and type in the lecture name)

Engineering (Bachelor and Master level) Link to lecture Link to module ³ Lecturer ECTS in winter sem.
ECTS in summer sem.
Level 1
Automotive Engineering 1 Lecture Module Jean-Marc Gales 2,5 advanced (B, M)
Automotive Engineering 2  


Module Dengler e.a. 2,5 advanced (B, M)
Production Technology 1 with Exercises (with training in technical english) Lecture Module PT I+II Merklein e.a. 3,75 basic (B)
Production Technology 2 with Exercises (with training in technical english) Lecture Module PT I+II N. Hanenkamp e.a. 3,75 basic (B)
Advanced Seminar on International and Sustainable Production Lecture Module div. 2,5 2,5 basic (B)
Laser Technology Lecture Module Schmidt, Cvecek 5 advanced (B, M)
Engineering of Solid State Lasers Lecture Module Cvecek 2,5 advanced (B, M)
Integrated Production Systems
(E-Learning course at vhb)
Lecture Module Franke 5 5 advanced (B, M)
International Supply Chain Management
(E-Learning course at vhb)
Lecture Module Franke 5 5 advanced (B, M)
Introduction to the Finite Element Method Lecture Module Mergheim 5 advanced (B, M)
Nonlinear Finite Elements Lecture Module Mergheim 5 advanced (B, M)
Computational Dynamics Lecture Module O. Schmitt 5 advanced (B, M)
Linear continuum mechanics Lecture Module Steinmann 5 advanced (B, M)
Nonlinear continuum mechanics Lecture Module Steinmann 5 advanced (B, M)
Machine Learning for Engineers I (online course via vhb) Lecture Module Hanenkamp, Eskofier, Franke 5 5 advanced (B,M)
Machine Learning for Engineers II (online course via vhb) Lecture Module Hanenkamp, Eskofier, Franke 2,5 2,5 advanced (B,M)

Management (Bachelor level, may also be taken by Master exchange students) Link to lecture Link to module ³ Lecturer ECTS in winter sem.
ECTS in summer sem.
Level 1
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Lecture Module Voigt 5 advanced (B, M)
Sustainability Management: Concepts Lecture Module Beckmann 5 advanced (B, M)
Digital Innovation – Platforms and Systems for Innovation Lecture


Module Möslein 2,5 advanced (B, M)
Innovation Design Lecture


Module Möslein 2,5 advanced (B, M)

Management (only for Master students) Link to lecture Link to module ³ Lecturer ECTS in winter sem.
ECTS in summer sem. Level 1
Global Operations Strategy (Seminar) Seminar Module Voigt 5 advanced ( M)
Technology Innovation Management Lecture Module Voigt 5 advanced ( M)
Business Strategy Lecture Module Hungenberg 5 advanced (M)
Change Management Lecture Module Hungenberg 5 advanced (M)
Advanced Sustainability Management and Corporate Functions Lecture Module Beckmann 5 advanced (M)
Global Retail Logistics
(E-Learning course at vhb)
Lecture Module Hartmann 5 5 advanced (M)
Designing technology Lecture Module Möslein 5 advanced (M)
Platform Strategies Lecture Module Möslein 5 advanced (M)
Organizing for Digital Transformation Lecture Module Möslein 5 advanced (M)
Internet of Things and Industrial Services (Seminar) Seminar Module Matzner/Stierle/Pauli 5 advanced (M)

Link to lecture Link to module ³ Supervisor ECTS in winter sem.
ECTS in summer sem.
Level 1
Bachelor thesis with advanced seminar ² Module div. 15 15 advanced (B)
Project thesis with advanced seminar ² Module div. 15 15 advanced (M)
Master thesis ² div. 30 30 advanced (M)

If you wish to complete your Bachelor’s thesis, Project thesis or Master’s thesis at FAU, you’ll have to find a suitable supervisor. Open positions for thesis projects are often published on the homepages of the institutes.

You can find an overview of the institutes of the Department of Mechanical Engineering here.

Students who are coming to FAU to finish a final thesis must submit confirmation of supervision from an FAU professor to the International Affairs team along with their application. Please use the template we provide for a supervision agreement (“Betreuungszusage”).


1) B=suitable for incoming Bachelor students; M=suitable for incoming Master students
2) For these, a language level of at least C1 in English or German and individual agreements with an institute are necessary.
3) A detailed description of the modules can be found in campo (please click on the links provided in the tables).

German language courses are offered by FAU’s language center. Please note that you have to register separately for courses at the language center.

Language courses Lecturer ECTS in winter sem.
ECTS in summer sem.
Level 1
German language courses University language center 5 – 15 5 – 15 basic, intermediate oder advanced
(B, M)

1) B=suitable for incoming Bachelor students; M=suitable for incoming Master students


Point of Contact for Incoming Students at the Department of Mechanical Engineering: Study-service-center MB (Contact form)

Learning Agreements: Dr. Heidi Zinser (Contact form)


Information for exchange programme students

Orientation courses for international students

FAU Buddy programme

FAU language center